Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Air Pollution in Northern China --------LILI-YIJIE


Air Pollution in Northern China
Nowadays, northern China is facing many environmental problems, but air pollution is the one which needs to be resolved immediately. For instance, in January, the most serious month, the haze weather can even last up to 25 days. One of the main reasons is industrial exhaust. According to USATODAY.COM, “air pollution from burning coal in north China, defined as above the Huai River, with a population of around 500 million people, was 55% higher than in the south.” The second reason is the toxic fume emission of cars has increased recently because the population in Beijing is higher as well as the number of cars, for Beijing is the most popular city among youngsters. In conclusion, air pollution has affected people’s life in many negative aspects. I hope it can be resolved quickly. 


1 comment:

  1. Good work! I like the way you focused on northern China and compared it to the south. :-) VM
