Sunday, June 23, 2013



by Mohammad Othman & Khalid Alqahtani

Whatsapp is an application for smartphones. It was invented in 2009 for people who are interested in chatting and communicating with others. It allows people to communicate by chatting, sending pictures, and audio. Whatsapp is the only an application that shows us whether the person in online or not. Also, when you communicate with someone you can know if he has read it or not. Using the app is almost the same than other applications such as Blackberry messenger, Viber, and Line. People can have it in every smartphone such as Blackberry, iPhone, and Samsung. Whatsapp is for everyone because they can communicate all the time, and have fun while they are chatting. Also, they can send music, audio. Moreover, is good for business men to communicate with each other in their businesses. In other word, is helpful for all who has smartphone. 

It helps me a lot since I downloaded in my phone. For example, one time I went to London and I couldn’t speak English at that time, so I was trying to call someone to help me but I couldn’t .After that I found Wi-Fi  to have communicate with someone by whasapp. It was really helpful. Having such a nice application like this one would help us, and keep us away of using our phones.


  1. Great job! You give nice details and I like how you describe how it helped you in London. VM

  2. Cool! I really like the app, it seems useful._____Lili

  3. awesome I like this app more than the other texting app because it more popular and I hope they will make it for free for the Iphone because it is for free for Galaxy

  4. nice app i will buy it from android market

  5. Whatsapp is a really great app I use it almost daily. Just like you said it allowed me to communicate with anyone I want. When I first used it I found it hard to use, but after getting used to it was so easy. Now I can't spend a day without opening this app.

  6. It Is really important app to me which I use always to be in touch with my friends and family. you guys did great job to describe it.

    Fawaz Alshehri..

  7. Thanks for this blog, I could know one of greatest app "Whats App". Some might argue that this app can give rise to problem to meet a dangerous person. My view, however, is that this app contributes to communication with other one. According to the blog, this remarkable invention make it possible for people to chat and communicate without effort to get someone's profile as long as you can use a smartphone. It can put people at advantage to meet someone whom they didn't know. In addition, this app offers other useful options such as sending pictures and audios. For these reason, I like what's app and this lovely posting.

  8. I like this app, am using it everyday every moment. Also the important thing that it has your location to help others to know where you are.

    Yousef Albiraiki

  9. "Having such a nice application like this one would help us, and keep us away of using our phones" << true

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  12. That is a good program. It is quite convenient and have many functions. I will try it and see what differences between it and some other similar programs.

  13. Wow! hard work. i like this app when i read about it. it kind of app that helps everyone. thank you. Hamad Albudayri
