Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Map My Run

Map My Run 
by Vickie Mellos (instructor)

Map My Run is an app which allows people to track their pace, distance, calories, and time when they are jogging or walking. The app works as a GPS with Google Maps. It displays where you are, how many miles you have gone, how long you have been moving, how fast you are going, how high the elevation is, and what your heart rate is. Every so often, a voice announces your progress so you don’t have to look at the display. Also, you can automatically post your progress on Facebook or Twitter and listen to music with the app. Map My Run is very easy to use. When you start your workout press RECORD and then START. When you are finished, you press SAVE and then a summary of your workout will be given. Map My Run is useful for athletes and other people who exercise of all ages. It is especially useful for people who run or walk outdoors and want to track their progress. Since I do not go to the gym, this app helps me see how I am progressing like a treadmill. I usually have my cell phone with me when I jog to listen to music, so using this app is very convenient for me. Also, I like that it works like a fitness watch, but it’s free.

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